A Dream (A Poem by Barbara La Marr)

A Dream
By Barbara La Marr

I sat last night alone and weary;
All the world seemed drab and dreary;
An irresistible longing stole o'er me---
I wove a dream---stardust---spray of the sea.

Depths of purple night, fragrant, hushed;
Silvered moonbeams, a rose crushed---
A sylphlike form of supple grace,
A wistful, lovely, upturned face.

Ah, dreams of stardust and gold sea spray
That linger the night, then fade away---
Cherished, precious---a dream, did I say?
I hold a crushed rose in my hand today!
Photo of Barbara (circa 1923-24) courtesy of Carl Youngblood; shared here with permission. 

*****Additional posts featuring Barbara’s poetry may be found here and here.