Just Drawn That Way: Comic Strip Characters Inspired by Barbara La Marr

Besides capturing the hearts and imagination of top silent filmmakers, film fans worldwide, and hordes of amorous males, silent screen siren Barbara La Marr has been muse to manifold artists, including two who rendered her in comic strip form. 

Celebrated American cartoonist Al Capp looked to Barbara’s curvaceous figure when creating Daisy Mae, the beautiful, busty feminine lead in Li’l Abner, a comic strip that achieved unparalleled global fame during its 1934–1977 run.  “When Barbara La Marr inhaled,” said Capp, “boys became men.”

Edgar S. “Ed” Wheelan, another American cartoonist, likewise drew inspiration from Barbara when crafting Minute Movies, a beloved comic strip parody of silent films, throughout the 1920s and early 1930s.  Endowing one of the strip’s star players with Barbara’s dark tresses, graceful profile, heavily lined eyes, “piquant expression,” and alluring elegance, Wheelan christened her “Lotta Talent.”

Photo collage: Daisy Mae (top), Lotta Talent (lower left), and Barbara (lower right)

Photo collage: Daisy Mae (top), Lotta Talent (lower left), and Barbara (lower right)

Barbara La Marr Virtual Event March 27

I am very excited to present a virtual event on the impassioned, tempestuous life and laudable career of silent film legend Barbara La Marr—the subject of my biography, Barbara La Marr: The Girl Who Was Too Beautiful for Hollywood, and my self-authored, one-woman show—on Saturday, March 27, 2021, as Hollywood historian and tour guide April Clemmer’s special guest. I will be telling Barbara’s story via photos and commentary. I hope to see you there!

Click here to learn more and purchase tickets. Unable to join the live broadcast? All ticket holders will receive a link to view a recording of the presentation.

Barbara La Marr

My Performance as Barbara La Marr and (Socially Distant) Hollywood Forever Tour on October 11

Silent screen actress Barbara La Marr, known as the “too beautiful” girl, was a legend in her time, leading an astounding, oftentimes scandalous life described by newspapers of the day as “a wilder story than she ever helped to film.”  Join me, Sherri Snyder, at Hollywood Forever Cemetery on Sunday, October 11 as I once again portray Barbara in a one-woman performance piece that I wrote about her.  Barbara’s banishment from Los Angeles at age seventeen for being “too beautiful”; her notable careers as an actress, a dancer, a vaudevillian, and a screenwriter; her death at age twenty-nine in 1926; and more will be spotlighted.

My performance is part of the in-person Los Angeles Art Deco Society’s 37th (Socially Distant) Hollywood Forever Cemetery tour.  Also featured on the tour are the stories—told by performers and historians—of silent screen god Rudolph Valentino, action hero Douglas Fairbanks Sr., actress and William Randolph Hearst mistress Marion Davies, filmmaker Cecil B. DeMille, slain director William Desmond Taylor, and over twenty other early Hollywood stars, movie moguls, and pioneers interred at Hollywood Forever.

This event typically sells out. To comply with the current health and safety mandates, tour group sizes are limited this year. For ticket information and additional details, click here.

(Left to right) Barbara La Marr and me as Barbara

My Dametown Barbara La Marr Interview

I was very honored to be interviewed by the lovely and talented Dixie Laite, mayor at Dametown.com. Dixie and I discuss the one-woman performance I do as Barbara La Marr, the biography I wrote on Barbara, and aspects of Barbara’s life and career. The interview may be read here.

A celebrator of dames past and present, Dixie has written many fantastic articles.  Be sure to peruse her site!

“A Last Graceful Gesture of Adieu” (My Barbara La Marr Palos Verdes Pulse Article)

I was recently asked by the Palos Verdes Pulse to write an article about Barbara La Marr and the making of her final film, The Girl from Montmartre.  Partly filmed on California’s beautiful Palos Verdes Peninsula in 1925, the film was Barbara’s attempt at a career comeback shortly before her untimely passing in 1926.  The article, “‘A Last Graceful Gesture of Adieu’: Barbara La Marr and The Girl from Montmartre,” may be read here.*

*(Slight spoiler alert for anyone who hasn’t yet read my biography, Barbara La Marr: The Girl Who Was Too Beautiful for Hollywood)

*Note: The title of the article has since been changed.

Lobby card featuring Barbara La Marr and Lewis Stone in The Girl from Montmartre (1926)

Remembering Barbara

Not long before her passing at age twenty-nine on January 30, 1926, Barbara La Marr, one of Hollywood’s most infamous, misunderstood screen sirens, asked writer Jim Tully, “Some day, Jim, will you write about me—and tell them that I wasn’t everything I played on the screen?”  To those who loved Barbara, she was far more than the debauched women she played, her demons, and the shocking headlines she spawned.  Ramon Novarro, famed Latin lover of the silent screen and Barbara’s friend and costar in three of her films, found in her a sincerity, humility, and “kindness that made her lovable.”  Actress Alice Terry, Barbara’s Prisoner of Zenda (1922) costar, affirmed, “[Barbara] was as lovely in her personality as she was in her ravishing looks…She was very big-hearted and generous and loved to please people.”  Writer Willis Goldbeck was said to believe Barbara’s virtues to be “of the mind and spirit,” and that her weaknesses were “all of the flesh.”

Barbara La Marr

“Stranger Than Fiction”

This interesting piece was sent to me by cartoonist Bruce Yurgil after he discovered it in The Funnies #11, a 1937 comic book that features newspaper strips.  (The piece originally ran in the Brooklyn Daily Eagle on December 21, 1935.)    

While the number of times Barbara read the Bible is not readily known, she was deeply religious.  She received some of her childhood education in convents.  As an adult, her religious inclinations ran the gamut from Catholicism to Christian Science, and it was said that her fervent interest in spirituality led her to explore (in addition to the Bible) the Koran, Confucianism, Buddhism, and the philosophical writings of Rabindranath Tagore.  Highly intelligent, Barbara proclaimed that she “read omnivorously” and preferred books to any other type of company.  Since she furthermore considered becoming a nun at different times in her life, she likely knew the Bible well enough to speak with some authority on it.